What is a Mosaic?
The Name “Mosaic Counseling”
Mosaic art is formed when an artist takes various pieces of broken glass or pottery and arranges them into a pattern. Through careful inspection and intentional placement a discernible image of beauty emerges from the randomness. This is a lot like our lives is it not? Every experience has added something to our lives. Some of these pieces we often describe in darker terms: pain, loss, hurt, suffering. For others we use words like: happiness, zeal and serenity to depict lightness. If you are human, both types of pieces are already part of your life-story. What if you were able to step back and see various ways these random pieces fit together and perhaps even rewrite how you tell your story and handle these things when they arise? Could change happen through looking at the pieces and discovering new ways to see them?
Mosaic Counseling exists to help you gain perspective. Not shutting the door on the past or attempting to ferret out all the heavy things of life but instead to use even the darkness in service of good as you see more clearly the masterpiece you are and are still becoming!