Attachment Wounds
No matter how you got here…
Perhaps it’s anxiety or depression, perhaps it’s anger or fear or perhaps it’s a relationship issue that you don’t know how to deal with. These presenting issues or pain points often are connected to much deeper parts of our stories. In previous formative times in our lives we missed important developmental nutrients we really needed at that time. Due to those experiences of attachment wounds (loss, neglect, rejection, abandonment, betrayal and abuse) we developed 1) core beliefs about our own identity, 2) what was safe and trustworthy in the world and 3) our own lack of power. These core beliefs inevitably lead to the formation of coping and soothing behaviors that attempted to help us deal with this pain. These coping mechanisms and their subsequent patterns on one hand often helped protect us (in the short term) but eventually contributed further to our pain.
Many times reoccurring conflicts with partners, inability to set and hold boundaries, insecurity and negative self perception, trouble living a balanced life is rooted not just in the present situation but deeper in our histories that we have not fully examined and learned to integrate.
Together we will work to understand what is feeding the issue that brings you to counseling, to understand what you have power to change, and to identify some steps of what you can do to promote acceptance, healing and growth. You are in the driver’s seat and determine what we focus on. I’m here to help ask good questions and invite you to not miss anything along the way.