Group Therapy


Group therapy vs Individual Therapy…

Group therapy and individual therapy serve different purposes.

Individual therapy provides a special place for clients to work together with a therapist on their unique life situations and help them take steps toward personal growth.  This 1:1 dynamic provides so many things AND it can not provide other things that group therapy has to offer.  Many studies show that a group context often ranks higher than individual therapy as a contributor to clients' transformation.  This is because so many facets of a person are tapped into within a group setting that are not during individual therapy. For example:

  • Group members have space to not just receive support but to go on and give it to others thus developing practical skills of being a safe person that cascades into their other relationships as well.

  • Feedback within a group is offered not from a professional on a mountain down to a client but from a peer to a peer who "gets it" so there is inherent understanding and validation being exchanged. 

  • Members' self understanding is accelerated as others put into words similar experiences to ones they themselves are having.

  • Those that feel unknown, disconnected or unworthy find a place to be themselves and discover they are truly acceptable and appreciated as they are from a crew of people who "have their backs."  

So much happens within a group that can not be created anywhere else. If you have spent sometime in individual counseling then group therapy might be a good next step in your growth. Or if you have experienced attachment wounds, struggle with sexual addiction or have trouble being vulnerable and authentic then groups are a great place to experience safety and be known.

Jaben runs various groups from time to time including a lunch hour Recovery Tools zoom group for men recovering from Sexual Addiction, a 12 week Attachment Wounds group for men healing from adverse childhood experiences or an in-person Christian Men’s process group for those looking for deeper community and insight. Contact him to inquire what groups are available.

Benefits of Group Therapy article